Telford Wargames Society

wargaming at its best

About Us image
Amongst Telford Wargames Society (TWS) membership there is a wide variety of experience from those new to gaming to those with a vast wealth of knowledge and understanding of a whole variety of different rules and gaming genres. There is always someone willing to aid any one in their game play and always someone to whom one can seek advice, ask questions and gain information of games rules and mechanics.

At TWS each individual is treated with mutual respect and there is an intergration of styles and genre. There is no age discrimination, as all ages are encouraged to attend and intermingle, after all the youngsters of today are the commanders of tomorrow. Anyone, any game, any period. Basically anything goes!

Telford Wargames Society meets every Friday evening and on alternate Sundays

Fridays: 19.00hrs to 22.00hrs
Sundays (alternate): 11.00 to 15.30hrs


The Belmont Hall, New Street, Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1LU
What is Wargaming image
Wargames have been around for millennia. As the world became more complex, and specialised, it was no longer sufficient for the son of a ruler to know how to shoot a bow, it became necessary for him to learn how to out think the ruler of the adjacent state and thus the children played strategy games. In today’s society there are enormous benefits to participating in games, even the most basic game offer meta-messages and life skills. All of the games played at Telford Wargames Society (TWS) require that people interact and speak with each other thus developing social skills as the players have to negotiate rules, take turns, correct and challenge each other, thus they are thinking and problem solving all the time.

There is much evidence that through games play, the individual can improve listening and speaking skills, cooperation, self-control, confidence, independence, curiosity, empathy, and communication. Games can foster the ability to focus, and lengthen attention span by encouraging the completion of an exciting, enjoyable game. TWS internalise the rules of fair play with players having to deal with the emotional consequences of these interactions: handling loss, helping a friend to handle a loss, being a gracious winner.

The hobby is multi faceted and includes painting and modelling which goes beyond the social and emotional benefits as it also helps work on motor coordination, both fine motor skills and gross motor skills. The whole wargame experience may be of more value than the product itself.

Those who concern themselves with wargames develop expectations in many ways, from the study of history to the building of complex mathematical models, to the integration of both these approaches within the game. Without question war games shape those expectations, hence they help shape the future as the youngsters of today are the commanders of tomorrow
At Telford Wargames Society (TWS) we expect and promote the rules of fair play and the spirit of the game becomes more important than the winning of the game. In all games the onus is upon taking part where the enjoyment is more important than the winning, saying that, regularly throughout the year, there are regular tournaments and competitions for members giving a competitive interest to the games. At TWS each individual is treated with mutual respect and there is an integration of styles and genre. There is no age discrimination at TWS as all ages are encouraged to attend and intermingle, after all the youngsters of today are the commanders of tomorrow. Anyone, any game, any period. Basically anything goes!
At TWS we promote the rules of fair play and the spirit of the game, the onus is upon taking part where enjoyment is more important than the winning. We greatly look forward to offering you a rewarding Wargaming experience when you come to either visit or play at TWS. As a member of TWS it is expected that you play within the Spirit of the Game. Although obviously we all play to win, at TWS the focus is not always necessarily upon winning but rather upon having a fun game.
Before the game:
· Play for your own enjoyment & to improve your skills, look forward to the game rather than the victory!
· Exchange a few friendly words with your opponents and ask them their names!
· Decide that you are going to play fair and abide by the rules of the game! Make sure that all terrain is identified so that appropriate modifies can be determined when necessary.
During the game
· Stick to the rules but always remember there is room for leyway! No arguing over any rule, if there is a difference of interpretation roll a d6 the highest roll wins and the game goes on!
· Do not intimidate, ridicule or belittle your opponent in any way or form.· Don’t use ugly remarks based on race, religion, gender or ability, many such comments are actually now illegal. Remember that you are there for the participants to enjoy the game Lead by example and respect all players physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated
· Stay relaxed, even if others are provoking you! If things go wrong or you're facing defeat, always bear in mind that it is only a game!
· Never ridicule mistakes or losses, Treat everyone the same regardless of age or are a different colour or have a different nationality

After the game
· Enjoy winning, but don't mock the other player(s)! Congratulate and express your thanks to your fellow player(s) for the game even if things went wrong! After all without them being there then there would have be no game!
· Reflect upon the strategy and tactics, analysis the game, identify mistakes and learn!

Here at TELFORD WARGAMES SOCIETY when we play our games we promote and abide by the principles and the rules of fair play. Why is this so important to us? Fair play encourages participation and increases players’ enjoyment although we encourage and create opportunities for participation, it is never forced upon anyone. For the older players it is important to remember at all times that children may have difficulties dealing with the influence of intensely competitive adults. It is expected that older players act as role models and help and guide others to a greater understanding of game rules and mechanics and exemplify the spirit of the game Competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of respect between players, adherence to the rules, and the basic joy of play. Although competition builds character and winning is an important goal, winning at the cost of a player’s health and fair play cannot be justified.
In summary:
1. Respect the rules
2. Respect any person running a game/ campaign/ scenario and their decisions thereby made.
3. Respect your opponent(s)
4. Give everybody an equal chance to participate
5. Maintain your self-control at all times
6. Enjoy!

  • Date: 05/03/2021 01:24 PM

Sorry, registration has ended.
  • at: The Belmont Hall, New Street, Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1LU